Upcoming Seminars and Events
Here are my upcoming events and Seminars:
*Knoxville Flea Market Table- March 14-15-16 located at the Knoxville Expo Center, 5441 Clinton Hwy, 37912. Flyers, give aways, and a chance to ask me questions about your plan or Medicare.
* Medicare 101 - Karns Senior Center on March 18th starting at 10:30AM. Come learn about general information about Medicare, Part D, Enrollment Periods, and other imprortant information. Snacks provided.
* Medicare 101 - SHONEYS on March 20th located at 2810 Alcoa Hwy, Alcoa 37701 starting at 10:30AM and 5:30PM. Come join me for a presentation and the buffet. RSVP please.
* Social Security Presentation-Karns Senior Center located at 8042 Oak RIdge Hwy, Knoxville, TN 37931. Starts 10:30AM. Discussing Social Security changes and strategies for people who are not drawing yet and are curious about thier options. Light Snacks provided.
*Medicare 101 on April 9th at Shoneys Chapman Hwy- Located at 2612 Chapman Hwy, 37920.. Starts at 10:30AM and again at 5:30AM. Come join me for a general presentaion on how Medicare works and the buffet. RSVP preferred.
* Karns Choir Concert- Sponsoring this event and will have an information table. April 25th starting around 11AM located at 8042 Oak Ridge Hwy, Karns, 37931.
* Medicare 101 on May 1st at Shoneys in Powell- Located at 315 E. Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849. Starts at 10:30AM and again at 5:30AM. Come join me for a general presentaion on how Medicare works and the buffet. RSVP preferred.
* Knoxville Flea Market- On May 16-17-18 located at 5441 Clinton Hwy, 37912. Table with flyers, giveaways and information.
* Medicare 101 on May 21st at Shoneys Oak Ridge- Located 204 S. Illinois Avenue, Oak Ridge TN, 37830. Starts at 10:30AM and again at 5:30AM. Come join me for a general presentaion on how Medicare works and the free to you buffet. RSVP preferred.
* Medicare 101 on June 11th at Shoneys Clinton- Located at 2405 N. Charles Sevier Blvd, Clinton 37716. Starts at 10:30AM and again at 5:30AM. Come join me for a general presentaion on how Medicare works and the free to you buffet. RSVP preferred.
* Medicare 101 on July 10th at Shoneys in Powell- Located at 2612 Chapman Hwy, 37920.. Starts at 10:30AM and again at 5:30AM. Come join me for a general presentaion on how Medicare works and the buffet. RSVP preferred.
* Medicare 101 on July 31st at Shoneys Chapman Hwy- Located at 2612 Chapman Hwy, 37920.. Starts at 10:30AM and again at 5:30AM. Come join me for a general presentaion on how Medicare works and the free to you buffet. RSVP preferred.
* Knoxville Flea Market- On August 1-2-3 located at 5441 Clinton Hwy, 37912. Table with flyers, giveaways and information.
* Medicare 101 on August 21st at Shoneys Clinton- Located at 2405 N. Charles Sevier Blvd, Clinton 37716. Starts at 10:30AM and again at 5:30AM. Come join me for a general presentaion on how Medicare works and the free to you buffet. RSVP preferred.